Receive Transfers in Local Currency

Simplify and optimize your international operations by allowing your clients to send you money in their local currency.

transfer_image_altPrimary Card

Transfer Button (Embedded System)

Integrate our pre-built components with just a few lines of code. Offer your customers the flexibility to transfer you in local currency and monetize on the FX.

Create transfer Links

Ask your clients to transfer you in local currency in a business account under the name of your company in 31 countries (12 different currencies).

Primary CardPrimary Card

You can collect payments in the following currencies

locally instead of asking your clients to send an international transfer.

Card Image

Enhance the Value Proposition of Your Product

Save your clients hundreds of dollars in commissions and exchange rates.

Card ImageCard Image

Create a New Revenue Stream

Monetize local currency collections by generating a markup or revenue share on the competitive exchange rate spread offered by EFEX.

Calculate your savings with EFEX


The data derived from the calculator is offered exclusively as a guide for EFEX users. The calculations performed by this tool are for informational purposes only and do not imply any legal validity.

Enter your details to send you the results

Frequently Asked Questions

EFEX is an international transfer platform that facilitates and automates transfer processes: they are processed in minutes, 24/7, do not require calling a bank to negotiate, and the exchange rate is very competitive.

*Third-party charges may apply.

Register in less than 5 minutes:

1. Start your registration in the following link:

2. Please attach the requested documentation so we can activate your account as soon as possible.

3. Your account will be verified within a maximum of 3 days.

That’s how easy you can start making international transfers like never before!

They receive it directly into their bank account in the destination country.

EFEX uses cutting-edge technology that guarantees the security and confidentiality of your personal information and your company at all times. In addition, our transfers are processed through transfer systems connected to the central banks of each country in which EFEX is present.

Using us is very easy


Create your account


Select a recipient


Send an individual or bulk transfer


The recipient receives it within minutes

Dashboard Usarnos Efex
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Offer your clients the option to transfer money to you in their local currency